Obtaining Recorded & Witness Statements for Accident Investigations

Accident Investigation Services: Witness Locates & StatementsWitness statements can be key pieces of evidence in accident investigations, insurance investigations, and any other type of criminal or civil cases. From our experience providing private investigator services to insurance companies, attorneys, and individuals, we understand this. Therefore, we offer a variety of services to help locate and interview witnesses during accident investigations and other types of claims, legal cases, lawsuits, or investigations.

As with all of our private detective services, our accident investigation and witness interview services are available throughout the Midwest. We can track down, locate, and travel to witnesses all over the area in order to obtain the statements that you need. To learn how we can help you with our witness locating and interview services for fraud, criminal, civil, and accident investigations, please contact our Kansas City based private investigator.

Our Services for Fraud, Civil, Criminal, & Accident Investigations

At McDonald Investigation & Consulting, we have experience working as the private detective for a variety of types of accident investigations and cases. Therefore, we have the knowledge and expertise needed to provide the types of services you need for any investigation.

With our services, our private investigator can track down and locate relevant witnesses and obtain witness or recorded statements to help further your investigation or support your case. We use our experience to guide us to ask just the right questions in order to uncover the facts and surrounding circumstances that led to the claim. With our accident investigation services, we have the innate skill of being able to ask the important and subsequent follow up questions needed to get the most information possible from the source.

Our accidents investigation services include:

  • Obtaining Recorded Statements: Recorded statements are typically statements from the insured or involved parties in an accident or other type of claim. We can interview these individuals in order to gather relevant recorded statements that will determine and reveal the facts and surrounding circumstances for any type of claim or case.
  • Gathering Witness Statements: Witness statements can provide additional information that others may have overlooked or reveal new information for a case, claim, or accident investigation. We can gather witness statements that can be used as important supporting evidence in a lawsuit or claim investigation.
  • Performing Witness Locates: When building a case or performing an accident investigation, it is important to locate all of the witnesses to or individuals involved in a particular event or accident in order to obtain the true facts. We can track down witnesses as part of an accident investigation or fraud investigation in order to obtain statements and uncover the facts surrounding the event.

Accident Investigation Services for Attorney & Insurance Investigations

Accident Investigation Services in the MidwestOur accident investigation services can be an important part of any insurance fraud investigation, accident investigation, or other criminal or civil investigation. These services are particularly useful for auto and health insurance companies investigating fraudulent claims and accidents, attorneys during accident, criminal, and civil lawsuits, and during any other type of investigation. To learn more about our accident investigation services and to find out how we can help you gather and prepare witness statements for your case or investigation, please contact our Kansas City private investigator.

Learn More About Our Accident Investigation, Witness Interview, & Locate Services

To learn more about our accident investigation services, please contact us directly by phone at (913) 541-0237 or complete our simple online form. As an experienced private investigator, serving the entire Midwest area since 1995, we look forward to helping you with your accident investigation services and becoming your trusted source for Midwest private investigation services.

If you would like to learn more about our available private investigation services, you can also read more about our Insurance Fraud Investigation, Fraud Claims Investigation, and Attorney Services, here on our website.